We Do-ula This!!: what’s a doula?


Have you ever heard a mama discussing her birth experience and she mentioned "I had a doula this time around, and my experience was amazing!" And it left you wondering what is a Doula? Well, let's talk about these super birth guru beings!!

A Doula Is a companion who supports women/birthing people and families through pregnancy, labor, childbirth, postpartum, and pregnancy loss. Support is physical, mental, and educational. A Doula is NOT a trained medical professional (unless they are also skilled & trained in obstetrics). Most Doulas will be very knowledgeable on medical terminology, procedures, etc, however, we cannot mistake this for medical training.

How does a Doula Support women?

In many ways, most Doulas are highly educated about the process of childbirth. They know how to advocate and navigate medical systems that don't always support free choices. They are aware of safe non-medical alternative ways to turn babies (if necessary). They may be informed about natural ways to induce labor (if necessary). They can share with you safe pain management options and are knowledgeable about home birth too!

Doulas can even help you conceive (fertility Doulas). Wow, did you have a clue!? Some Doulas actually focus on Womb Health, nutrition and have herbal knowledge to help families become pregnant.

They can motivate you and help build your confidence around giving birth safely and memorably.

What does support look like from Doula to the client?

Doulas answer all your questions and concerns during pregnancy, help prepare you for childbirth. These birth workers help you create your birth plan/preferences. They can help bring your desired birth experience to life. Doulas research with you, share evidence-based material with you and share tons of resources. They learn and help you understand the laws in your area so you are informed on hospital policies and or other laws surrounding birth. Doulas can inform you about your birthplace options. Rather If you want a natural birth, medical birth, or if you need emergency intervention Doulas can support all of this!

Support in Labor; what does this look like?

Doulas work to keep you hydrated, help fuel you with nutritious foods. Your Doula can set up your birth space. They often massage you, help you to the bathroom, talk with you, hold your hand, warm you up or cool you down, give your partner a break if you are in labor for a long time.

You receive help with functional movement to bring the baby down. They are there to distract you from pain, they laugh with you, they shut up if you want them to (haha), and they root for you. They can play music for you and even braid your hair. Many women experience nausea in labor, Doulas can help you with this as well (if it applies). They facilitate communication between birthing women/persons and medical providers. They guide you. They support all of your choices!!

Postpartum support: After the roller-coaster stops; what's next??

A Doula may provide assistance with healing after birth for postpartum mamas, as well as breastfeeding support. Offers you a chance to reflect on your birth experience. Some Doulas provide postpartum meals during their visits, light housework, and allow you & partner to take a break to rest, shower, eat, etc by keeping the baby for a few hours or so. Some may do placenta Encapsulation. Did you know that some Doulas stay overnight for the support! They can even teach you about babywearing. A Doula can become a lifelong friend and someone you share your mom's journey with. Doulas are resourceful and can help you find what you need even after you've had your baby.

Doulas in pregnancy/infant loss...

A Doula is capable of supporting women in loss as well. Loss due to abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth, or other losses during infancy. A Doula may offer you support by helping you make arrangements, providing resources for bereavement, talking with you, helping you heal physically and emotionally. They are there to validate your feelings, listen and provide nonjudgmental support.

How is a Doula Valuable?

Studies have shown that Doula's decrease labor duration, the need for c-sections, pain medication, and inductions. Doula's have been shown to increase better birth outcomes. They offer continuous support during your birth journey which is critical for birth satisfaction. They are available 24/7 from the time you hire them for concerns and questions. They are advocates and respect and value your needs.

This blog is to help families wanting to conceive, expecting, pregnant, and families dealing with loss understand in detail how a Doula can be beneficial. This message is to help you make a decision about choosing a Doula in your journey.

Be sure to choose a Doula who fits in your puzzle. Make sure you are a match before hiring someone to support you in this very special and very magical way! All doula's have their special areas of expertise. Think about what you really need before you begin the interview process, and Yes! Yes, you should interview your potential Doula(s).

Everyone deserves a Doula, make sure you choose the one that's perfect for you and your family.


The Gold River